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About The Reader 關於解讀者
Hi, I am Nana! 您好我是娜娜!
After my spiritual awakening in 2011 I have been guided to expand my knowledge on this subject and began my journey of transformations. I am a natural Psychic, predominantly clairsentient and clairaudient. I am a Channeler of the Light Realm and a reader of the Akashic Records. My goal is to help you discover your purposes and clarity in your directions. 當我在2011年經歷了靈性覺醒后我一直都被指引學習關於靈性的知識和走入自我療愈和轉變。我天生帶有靈性天賦主要是通靈光界的存有和阿卡西記錄。我希望藉由占卜和靈魂記錄能協助您找到方向和答案。